Weekly Giving Update
Last Week: $9,893.00
Weekly Budget: $11,000.00
YTD Income: $62,085.00
Annual Budget: $572,000.00
Last Week: $1,520.00
Weekly Budget: $1,500.00
YTD Income: $8,608.00
Annual Budget: $78,000.00
Last Week: $9,893.00
Weekly Budget: $11,000.00
YTD Income: $62,085.00
Annual Budget: $572,000.00
Last Week: $1,520.00
Weekly Budget: $1,500.00
YTD Income: $8,608.00
Annual Budget: $78,000.00

Missionaries of the Month
Cody & Emily Hall
Cody and Emily met in 2013 while Cody was a summer intern at SonSet Solutions. They remained friends for a few years while attending and serving in the same church. In 2015, Cody became SonSet Solutions’ first missionary appointee. After Cody returned to Elkhart from building his missionary support team, Cody and Emily began dating and were married in May of 2017. Cody currently leads the Community Development Team (CDT) at SonSet Solutions. The CDT develops solutions for gospel-focused partner ministries working in the community development arena. The leading solution is SonSetLink™, a platform for monitoring clean water pumps globally. More than 1,000 systems have been deployed to 20+ countries. Emily served on the Accounting Team until late 2019, when they welcomed their first son into the world. She now enjoys caring for him and his twin sisters full-time and volunteering for special projects as needs arise.

Ladies Game Night
February 21 from 6-11 PM
Bring a friend and your favorite snack as we spend time in fellowship together!
Bring a friend and your favorite snack as we spend time in fellowship together!

Men's Prayer Breakfast
March 1 at 8:30 AM
Join us for a time of food, prayer, and fellowship!
Join us for a time of food, prayer, and fellowship!